shahrukh khan said:
rapunzel said:
shahrukh khan said:
rapunzel said:hey shonaaaaaaaaaaa
Bechara Sk![]()
Dont ever think so tht im saying U Sohna![]()
woh sirf meri shona hai![]()
rapunzel said:hey shonaaaaaaaaaaa
Miney is my shona.
rapunzel said:Bohat Umdaa
rapunzel said:welcum dear n very gud
eshajam said:soon don't eat me now
shahrukh khan said:
eshajam said:
I hope I'll always be the one that takes your breath away.
I hope I'll always fill your thoughts as you go about your day.
I hope I'll always be the one that you still dream of at night.
I hope it's still my face you see when you close your eyes so tight.
I hope you always feel the love that I have for only you.
I hope that you know everything I feel for you is true.
I pray that what we share will last for eternity And when you need someone so bad know you can always turn to me
I pray that the hurt We sometimes feel inside will one day come to an end Along with tears we've cried.
I hope I'll always have this feeling that you bring to me.
Take another look into my heart and you can see that I love you.
and i hope that you love me as much as i love you
~tasha~ said:A friend is always there
near or far they always care
A friend will comfort you when you are having a bad day
And they will say "Don't worry everything will be ok!!"
A friend can color the sky blue
And make the day brighter and new
A friend will bring you up when you are feeling down
And make you laugh when you want to frown
A friend shares a special love
And it is a miracle from above
A friend always leaves a mark
embedded deep within your heart
eshajam said:Friends are froever.
When poeple walk out,
friends are who walk in.
When a silly old boy breaks your heart,
friends are there to tell you that boy will regret it.
Friends pick you up when you are down,
and never let you think bad about yourself.
Friends are forever.
Friends will never talk bad about you behind your back.
Friends will be there through the hard and bad times.
Friends are forever.
True friends are hard to find.
Never let them go without a fight.
~tasha~ said:
Droplets of purity fall from the sky,
spread on wings of a dove.
Into streams of life from Heaven on high,
love falls gently from above.
Steeped in radiance ripples mid stream,
skip stones across still pond.
Splendor visioned within captured dreams,
love flows this day and beyond.
Beauty of sunlight far beyond compare,
reflects upon distant earth.
Heavenly wonders embellish with care,
all that your love is worth.
Two souls wait patiently, love cascades,
two hearts beating as one.
Droplets of purity slowly persuades,
love ripples neath the sun.
eshajam said:thx u all
i am everywhere Guria![]()
~CHANDNI~ said:lolz ajj kal ki paro kiya itny bewafa hogay
sun_shine said:***Smile***
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin
When she smiled I realized
I'd passed it on to her.
I thought about that smile
then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected
Let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!
Everyone needs a smile!